Inviting Members
If you’re an org admin, you have the ability to add new members to your organization. To invite new members, simply access Admin within the Profiles area, choose the Organization > Members page and select “Invite Members”.
Once you click Invite Members, you’ll be asked to input the email address of your new member and select a role. The member will then appear within the Members table with a “Pending Invitation” tag. The invitee will then have 14 days to complete the first login process.

Selecting a Role
When you invite a new member, it’s important to consider the functionality you’ll want them to leverage within the platform. Details are available in the table below, but at a high level, the available roles are as follows:
Team Edition or Team Edition + Service Connector Roles
Role |
Description |
Org Admin |
All features are available to org admins, including establishing your organization’s profile, inviting new members to your organization, expiring existing member subscriptions, and changing the role of members. |
Team Admin |
Team admins can create and manage teams within your organization and can access all features other than the Management Hub, but cannot invite new members, expire existing member subscriptions, or change member roles. Clients typically select the Team Admin role for members who should have broad access, but should not directly manage the subscriptions of other organization members. |
Workflow Admin |
Workflow admins can access all features other than inviting or managing members, adding and managing teams, or accessing the Management Hub. Clients typically select the Workflow Admin role for members who will need to establish or edit workflows and use advanced workflow functionality such as managing tasks in bulk. |
Active Team User |
Active team users have access to core functionality within the platform, but cannot leverage administrative capabilities. Clients typically select this role for members who need to complete tasks within workflows and monitor regulatory changes. |
Lite User |
The Lite User role is intended for individuals who need to access the platform to review documents, but will not be day-to-day members who complete tasks in workflows, create alerts or create folders. |
Service Connector or Pro Edition Roles
The Service Connector Edition and Pro Edition do not include collaboration capabilities. We recommend you select the Org Admin role for all of your members unless you specifically want to limit managing the organization to specific individuals. If so, you should choose the Active Team User role for those organization members.
Detailed Roles Information

Additional Role Limitations:
*Basic Role:
- Not a member of an organization
- Cannot customize the Dashboard or Insights
**Lite Role:
- Web-Access/Searches are capped at 100 user initiated search requests (not triggered from views) per month
***Workflow Admin Role:
- Workflow Admins can only modify or delete workflows for teams of which they are a member. Note that if the workflow is not associated with a team, no such limitation applies.