188 Enforcement Actions in the U.S. over past 30 days

FINRA enforcements decreased 70% over the past 30 days
SEC issued enforcements: $289,563,885 over the past 30 days
161 Final Rules go into effect in the next 30 days

65 Mortgage Lending docs published in the last 7 days

1460 docs with 2637 extracted obligations from the last 7 days

new Proposed and Final Rules were published in the past 7 days


5953 new docs in pro.compliance.ai within the last 7 days

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All Courses > Resources


Resource Navigation:

The Resources Section provides a view of less frequently updated documents that you may use for reference such as CFRs, US Code, Public Law, State Statutes, State Administrative Code. We provide the documents in a familiar, easy-to-use accordion style format to help you quickly locate the specific document you need for your research purposes.

If you wish to create a list view of all documents within a specific branch, click on the location, which you’ll find immediately above the accordion view. Clicking the location link collects all documents found within the branch and presents them in the Search view, allowing to leverage standard toolbar features, such as exporting in bulk, and establishing alerts.

All standard document functionality including Details (document meta-data), Changes/Diffing, Expert Connections, Tasks, Annotations, Obligations are available for rules & regulations through the right pane.


Resources Link

Jurisdiction Analyzer: You will also find the Jurisdiction Analyzer within Resources, which will allow you to compare rules & regulations across jurisdictions.

Expert ConnectionsTo help supplement your research, Compliance.ai provides you with links to experts who can provide guidance on critical industry topics and regulations. The experts can provide guidance in the form either of consultative services, or through access to their own premium content such as white papers, sample rules and guidance.